Sleeply® has unique and innovative characteristics being indicated for treat insomnia and sleep problems associated with jet lag and is presented in a practical system of oral strips in mint flavor that dissolve instantly in the mouth.

Sleeply® contains in its composition melatonin, a hormone naturally produced by our body that helps maintain the natural rhythm adjusting sleep and wake cycles and Vitamin B6, which acts reinforcing the beneficial effects of melatonin on the sleep, besides to other benefits it provides for the physiological maintenance of health and well-being.

Sleeply® is an effective and safe product reducing the time needed to fall asleep and to correct the problems associated with jet lag, since it acts within a few minutes after taking it and does not present any kind of side effects.



Sleeply® is a food supplement of Melatonin and Vitamin B6 indicated for adults who have insomnia problems or for those who need to adjust its sleep cycle due to the jet lag.


Sleeply® is presented in a small and practical box of 24 mint flavored oral strips of Melatonin 1mg and Vitamin B6 1mg in mint flavor.


Melatonin 1mg;
Vitamin B6.

How to use

Sleeply® must be taken:

  • TO REDUCE THE TIME TO FALL SLEEP: Take 1 strip of Sleeply® just before bedtime.
  • RECOVER FROM JET LAG: Take 1 strip of Sleeply® just before bedtime on the first day of travel and during the following days to reach the destination.

Sleeply® is a product with a very high safety profile allowing if necessary to increase doses until 3 strips at once.

Additional information

Sleeply® has a shelf life of 24 months.

Sleeply® is classified as food supplement according to the regulation 2002/46 of EU.


  • Sleeply® is a melatonin OTC (…need no prescription), which is indicated for persons who have trouble falling asleep and for travelers who want minimize the effects of jet lag.
  • Sleeply® is presented in an innovative format of mint flavored oral strips that dissolve instantly in the mouth, allowing a quick and effective action.
  • Sleeply® also incorporates in its formula the vitamin B6, whose properties for the nervous system and the psychological function reinforce the action of melatonin.
  • Sleeply® is effective and regulates the sleep-wake cycles naturally, as well as a safe product because does not cause any side effects or dependence.
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